From April 16 to 18, 2024, the FOOD4FUTURE fair took place at the Bilbao Exhibition Center, an event where food technology focused on the future, with all the innovations in terms of sustainability and competitiveness in each of the processes of the chain of production.

Indespan was present during these three days showing our range of healthy products, focused above all on health through bread. And, since our beginnings more than 30 years ago, we are always expectant of what the consumer demands. Today, we find a consumer concerned about their health, with an interest in eating correctly and for that food to provide specific benefits to their body.

Due to this, some of our presentations at the fair were the following:

– Protein Bakery and Pastry Line: bread, breadsticks, muffins, biscuits, cookies…

– Gluten Free Line: bread, muffins, donuts, cookies…

– Mediterranean Mix: with carob fiber, we present bread or breadsticks.

– Eggless Line: muffins and biscuits.

– Healthy Breads: Fiber – Lax, Ferro Mix… Breads with interesting contents for the consumer’s Health.

In addition to being able to explain the products to interested visitors, they were also able to taste the products live, thus getting a 360º experience, since our master baker personally made the products for the occasion. We also had the opportunity to give a conference on the 18th, where our product manager, Dr. Jehannara Calle, presented our nutraceutical line and how food can be key to our health. During these days we had some very pleasant visits, as representatives of FEDACOVA and IATA – CSIC.

A very pleasant experience, where we were also able to catch up with innovations in the food sector and also in packaging. The latest trends in AI or process automation, as well as the new ingredients on the rise in the sector, were some of the developments we witnessed. According to Revista Alimentaria, 9,037 type C executives gathered at the event, leaving an economic impact on the beautiful city of Bilbao of 1 million euros.